Breadcrumbs 2021



To keenly perceive the limitations of imagination’s usurpation of awareness,

Is the inevitable burden of all who awaken to the illusion of space and time.


* * * *

Cults and religions come and go because the multitudes

Fear suffering and oblivion, fear the unknowable,

And seek salvation from the fires of damnation,

For nothing more than evils born of imagination.

Truly, the one and only angel, the one and only demon,

The one and only usurper of awareness in all its human forms.


* * * *

Time is the creation, the dance, the dream, the frolic, the bane, of memory cells.

It was the means for imagination’s gradual usurpation of instinct,

The make-believe of self, and the pretense of free will.


* * * *

The motivations of any middleman between you and truth can be more than a little dubious.

Speculation is not truth, and many if not most who consider themselves religious-slash-spiritual,

Are spellbound by, ensnared by, blinded by, the time-bound catechisms of their cultural assumptions.

Add to that the three vanities of power and fame and fortune, fueled by greed,

And truth becomes but a usurped ways and means.




Another day in the Great Usurpation.


* * * *

Consciousness … imagination … is the usurper of eternity.


* * * *

Imagination is the usurper of eternity.





No grand Nietzsche-esque treatise to be usurped in this body of work.

Hopefully, history will either use these many thoughts to rational ends, or ignore me entirely.

If not, at least hopefully it will not seize them for abominable purpose,

As it has the writings of far too many other seers.