Is there anything that cannot be twisted, usurped, by some other agenda?
So much of our quantum manifest existence is a collusion of vanity-vanity-all-is-vanity.
Each of us wandering restlessly through life, masturbating each other's egos.
All nothing more than imagination usurping the ever-present moment.
In our time’s industrial-technological mindset,
The cyclic rhythms of planets and moons and stars,
Are usurped in every way by mechanisms and algorithms.
More and more, we merely simulate existence, function unwittingly,
Not all that differently from tedious, senseless, mindless, zombie-esque cogs,
In a traumatized world where concepts have replaced nature,
In any and every ways and means one might look.
The usurpation of homo sapien consciousness over the natural order is bound to tumble.
Those who do not abide by the rules of the game must eventually be thrown off the board.
* * * *
The usurpation of homo sapien consciousness
Over the natural order is bound to tumble.
Those who do not abide by the rules
Of the game must eventually be
Thrown off the game board.
Usurping nature in every way, imagination creates its own reality.
The most effective way to destroy an idea is to usurp the message with doublespeak.
What a blatant mockery organized religion us of the teachers whose teachings they usurp.
To usurp all that is good for maligned reason, is the way of the believer.
Ignorance will usurp anything for its own ends.
Anything can be usurped.
Alas, truth ignored and usurped yet again.
* * * *
What has not been usurped?
What cannot be known cannot be usurped.
Anything and everything can be usurped for alternative purpose.
So, question anything and everything as often as necessary,
And always be cautious about what is accepted as true.
* * * *
There is a tendency for truth to be usurped and distorted in every way imaginable.
History has proven over and over again that anything can be usurped.
How convenient it is for the multitude
Only capable of misinterpreting and usurping
The true meaning of those given vision.
The irony of it all, of course, is how many usurp so many concepts,
Without even beginning to comprehend their true meaning.
The literal-minded are mesmerized by their absurdity.
Middlemen have risen to usurp the truth,
On every stage the play of mind has ever witnessed.
Put the many parasites behind you, and discover the sovereignty
Of your Self, in your Self, for your Self, by your Self.
Do not be usurped by gossip, and by the way, it is all gossip.
It is the so-called scriptures that are relevant, that are worth perusing.
The thoughts of the thinkers from all times, all geographies;
Not the cults that have endlessly usurped them.
No delusion can usurp the truth in any way ultimately meaningful.
Dogma uses that which it claims is truth to propagandize its confining stance.
And truth that is abridged, truth that is usurped for false purpose, is not the truth.
How ironic that the earnest encouragement of so many,
For others to raise themselves into goodness and wisdom and truth,
Is so often unheeded or forgotten or neglected or usurped.
Usurp the usurper until they have nothing left to usurp.