The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim


Anything can be hijacked.

Anything can be twisted.

Anything can be altered

Anything can be usurped.

Anything can be manipulated.

‘Tis the nature of the beast within.




Anything can be usurped.

Anything can be distorted.

Anything can be rationalized.

Anything can be obliterated.




Consciousness can only be usurped by identity

For as long as memory sustains the delusion.




Absolutely anything can be usurped.

Truth has been an unwitting collaborator to every sort of lie

Ever since consciousness first parlayed the whimsical notions of irony and paradox.

What would existence be without their ever-brewing absurdities?




Truth usurped by ignorance yet again.




There is likely not anything born of mind that cannot be usurped by ignorance.




Identity is merely awareness temporarily usurped.




The unbounded awareness is, without any movement of me, myself, or I.

It cannot be altered, claimed, manipulated, possessed, or usurped.

It is the untapped spring, the uncarved block, the tabula rasa.

It is the primal source of all, partial or beholden to none.

It is prior to all manifestation, equally present in all,

And ever carries on after the dissolution of all.




What hope can there possibly be when the bar,

Is set at meaningless, irrational absurdities, across the board,

When nature is usurped, ravaged, squandered, in every way in every corner.

When the poppycock of trivia and distraction; carnivals and clowns; power, fame, and fortune;

Become the mainstay, the lifeblood, the prime directive, the raison d'être.